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New Visitors

It was Tuesday afternoon and both Milo and me were really excited (as usual). There was a knock at the door and all the other dogs were barking and generally going a bit loopy. We were at Lee and Colin’s house, our lovely foster family who we’ve been staying with.

I could feel a breeze from the door opening and could smell two new people. The other dogs wasted no time in jumping up as they sat on the sofa, so we thought we might as well join in! There seemed to be a good chance of some tummy tickles. The new people didn’t seem to mind at all, one of them even smelled of cupcakes.

Kali was being really friendly and both Lee and Colin seemed to think that this was a good thing. The new people stayed for a long time, giving us lots of attention and treats. Winner. Eventually it was time for them to go. Milo and me wanted to go too, but Lee said we weren’t allowed just yet 😦

Hopefully soon, though!